Card Campaign 2.0 Begins now.

Taking our Country Back, Voting in a “Congress for All” in 2026.

To our Dearest Democracy Savers,

We hope you are finding bits of happiness regardless that this holiday season hasn't felt particularly joyful. We must allow space for sharing love and play so we can continue to fight another day.

Our work continues this next month in the realm of standing for ourselves by building coalitions. It’s not just United We Stand; it’s United We Build to unite people to create a Country For All.

Coalition building is the process of bringing together people and organizations to work together toward a common goal. Coalitions can be formed for a variety of reasons, including: 

  • Addressing issues that are too complex or large for one organization to handle.

  • To respond to community events, new information, or changes in regulations in your town, city, or state.

  • To take advantage of available funding.

  • To protect a community from an outside threat.

Coalitions can be effective because they allow groups to:

  • Increase influence: Coalition members can work together to make a stronger case for policy change. 

  • Share resources: Coalition members can pool their resources and expertise to create a more effective strategy. 

  • Improve communication: Coalitions can improve communication on issues and eliminate duplication. 

  • Build partnerships: Coalitions can develop partnerships to focus on essential matters. 

Coalitions can be formed locally, nationally, or internationally. They can disband once their goals are accomplished OR become lasting organizations. 

Some tips for successful coalition building include defining desired outcomes, Setting and achieving group goals, Developing and implementing an action plan, monitoring goal attainment and evaluating success, and clearly defining roles and expectations.

Our next card will be released mid January and will focus on Coalition Building.

This little card can make a difference by engaging individuals who have yet to learn how to advocate for themselves.

Read our guides for introverts, extroverts, and in-between-troverts for more distribution ideas. There is a way to pass along cards, no matter your personality.

If you sign up for our email list, you will be notified of all future publications.

Soon, we will migrate to a new website page and send you an email inviting you to join Card Campaign 2.0. Meanwhile, we will be operating from here.

Any donations made on this page will go towards the new website. We will have a fundraiser on the new site to cover the expenses of maintaining a new website and email list.  

Every donation is greatly appreciated.

We are an all-volunteer grassroots team dedicated to this mission.


Exploring the truth together, combating misinformation

It’s not just the Russians and Chinese spreading misinformation. The bad actor pool includes Americans working against democracy and attempting an authoritarian takeover of this country. These bad actors—along with the Chinese and Russian troll farms and misinformation mills—are spreading lies so quickly that it seems almost impossible to combat them. Yet we must get the truth out there.

So how can we combat so much misinformation? 

The good news: many of us are doing something about it. The Card Campaign has come to life and is spreading facts across the country. For the important concerns most Americans have, we research the relevant information about how the two main candidates worked with those concerns in the past and what they say they will do in the futureWe then post the facts on two-sided cards, one side for each candidate. These cards are not meant to be mailed; they are pass-along and pick-one-up cards. 

These are facts. They are verifiable. You can check them yourself via the QR code on each card, which will take you to the sources. There is no disputing them, despite the misinformation that may have come your way in the past

Verified Sources

We have checked our facts with care.

Some come from articles by established journalists who are fact-checked by their newspapers.

Some facts are verified by published information in databases Click below for more information on the process and read the verified facts for each card.


All donations made before we shutter this website after inauguration day will go towards our next Card Campaign on Taking our Country Back, Turning Congress Blue.
